Aku suke ngat tema die dark and emo.. pastu berlatar belakangkan zaman eropah..
zaman pertengahan i suppose..

Sebelah kanan tue hero dlm cite season 1, ciel/sebastian and
sebelah kiri maybe die pnye hero utk season 2, alois/claude..
Aku tak abes tgk agy r, bru tgk ep1 msok ep2
Aku tak ske ngat dak rmbut blonde nie, Alois, dr ep1 agy da tunjuk belang die.. ade ke die korek mate hana! die pnye maid pmpuan kat umah, nek tkowt pmpuan tue kat die
This is my hero! Sebastian yg pegang artilery tue hihi
Aku lupe nak knl kan cite nie, tajok die Kuroshitsuji (Black butler) both of bdk kecik dpt nasib yg sme. Which is sangat malang.. lost both of their parent and also lepas tue dorg wat perjanjian with demon. The black butler is their demon, yg serve dorg smpai matlamat dorg tercapai. In return, guess what they would give utk balas jasa those demon?? Their soul are given in the bargain, Sebastian and Claude bertanggungjawab sbg demon butler utk pastikan keselamatan dorg pnye master which is Ciel and Alois.
Tue je la hint, so sape2 yg nak tgk better catchup ngan season 1 dlu, kompem korg akan addicted haha itu pon kalo korg minat anime la..
Nie aku dpt dr blog org len..
Kuroshitsuji Disc 1
By: Iwasaki Taku and Others
1. Nigram Clavem
2. Prologue
3. 坊ちゃんに紅茶とスコーンを
4. Die Hasen!
5. La gardenia
6. 執事たるもの
7. 裏社会の秩序
8. The butler
9. Coffin man
10. The Dark Crow Smiles
11. Ciel
12. Faint smile
13. Jazzin’
14. di’a'vertiment
15. Home Again
16. 英国の闇
17. 二度と戻らない大切な
18. 王手を
19. Wie schon!
20. マダム・レッドの思い出に~1レディ・レッド
21. リコリスの色
22. a diabolic waltz
23. Intermission: Sebastian Michaelis Version
By: Iwasaki Taku and Others
1. Nigram Clavem
2. Prologue
3. 坊ちゃんに紅茶とスコーンを
4. Die Hasen!
5. La gardenia
6. 執事たるもの
7. 裏社会の秩序
8. The butler
9. Coffin man
10. The Dark Crow Smiles
11. Ciel
12. Faint smile
13. Jazzin’
14. di’a'vertiment
15. Home Again
16. 英国の闇
17. 二度と戻らない大切な
18. 王手を
19. Wie schon!
20. マダム・レッドの思い出に~1レディ・レッド
21. リコリスの色
22. a diabolic waltz
23. Intermission: Sebastian Michaelis Version
Kuroshitsuji Disc 2
1. Intermission: Ciel Phantomhive Version
2. Si deus me relinquit
3. 人形の館
4. リジー
5. The Stranger from India
6. ジョー・アーギャー
7. “神”に仕えし者
8. rudra
9. The right hand of God
10. small wild flower
11. Ich bin der Welt abhanden gekommen
12. Never More
13. 誇り高き女王の狗
14. The Dark Crow Smiles [remix]
15. Call thy name,”Stella Mystica”
16. A Gleam in the distance
1. Intermission: Ciel Phantomhive Version
2. Si deus me relinquit
3. 人形の館
4. リジー
5. The Stranger from India
6. ジョー・アーギャー
7. “神”に仕えし者
8. rudra
9. The right hand of God
10. small wild flower
11. Ich bin der Welt abhanden gekommen
12. Never More
13. 誇り高き女王の狗
14. The Dark Crow Smiles [remix]
15. Call thy name,”Stella Mystica”
16. A Gleam in the distance
Kuroshitsuji Disc 3
By: SID, BECCA, Kalafina and Daisuke Ono (Sebastian Michaelis)
1. Monochrome no Kiss
2. I’m ALIVE!
3. Lacrimosa
4. Anata no Koe ga Iroaseyou tomo, Meiyaku no Uta ga sono Mune ni Todokimasu you ni
5. Tsuki no Ame
By: SID, BECCA, Kalafina and Daisuke Ono (Sebastian Michaelis)
1. Monochrome no Kiss
2. I’m ALIVE!
3. Lacrimosa
4. Anata no Koe ga Iroaseyou tomo, Meiyaku no Uta ga sono Mune ni Todokimasu you ni
5. Tsuki no Ame
Nice day,
Kyky Violet
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