Ape nie?? nervous??? sejak biler... ha'ah berkurun aku da ade penyakit nie, each tym aku nervous.. msti somethin akan jd dan aku tak langsung expect mende tue jd. Sori, terus msok dengan topik yang takde kene mengene. Ermm... td aku pegi amek sijil stp. Tak sangka ley terserempak ngan Ustaz meran ngan Cikgu BM aku dlu.. (cikgu bm je?? haha sori i 4got his name) cikgu bm ckp die ade anak sedare kat utem. Nmenye Udin n dak Kl.. nak cari ke? Not very like my business either. Ok back to school. I thought akan ade ramai r student2 kat c2. tp tak pown.. Actually mcm takde, dak2 pmr amek result 26 kowt.. no one there.. dun bluf me ok!
Well, tak nervous pown. But now aku da ase.. ngan da dkt nak msok sem2 nye. So i nid to prepare everything u know, even my bju kurung kene wat or beli je kat kedai. I prefer to buy, tp kalo tak kne ngan taste OMG la jd nye.. huhu

Jinak2 merpAti, Bila didekati pasti terbang pergi.. Nasib si merpAti purple
Wednesday, December 22, 2010
Friday, December 17, 2010
From Kuroshitsuji 2
Kuroshitsuji Insert Song – Si deus me relinquit
Si deus me relinquit
Lyrics: Konishi Kayo
Composition: Iwasaki Taku
Arrangement: Iwasaki Taku
Kuroshitsuji II Insert Song – Kagayaku Sora no Shijima ni wa
Kagayaku Sora no Shijima ni wa
Vocals: Kalafina
Kuroshitsuji Insert Song – Si deus me relinquit
This is the chilling soprano song heard in a few episode of Kuroshitsuji. The lyrics were originally in Latin, but a Japanese translation was provided in the lyrics booklet.
There are five people listed on the page of credits in the booklet, but no specific singer was credited for this song.
There are five people listed on the page of credits in the booklet, but no specific singer was credited for this song.
If God has forsaken me
Lyrics: Konishi Kayo
Composition: Iwasaki Taku
Arrangement: Iwasaki Taku
Lyrics: Konishi Kayo
Composition: Iwasaki Taku
Arrangement: Iwasaki Taku
If God has forsaken me,
Then I shall forsake God, too.
Then I shall forsake God, too.
Only the oppressed may possess a black key,
I close all doors
Thus I seal away all prayers.
I close all doors
Thus I seal away all prayers.
who protects me?
From the most frightful: myself
who protects me?
From the most frightful: myself
Si deus me relinquit
Lyrics: Konishi Kayo
Composition: Iwasaki Taku
Arrangement: Iwasaki Taku
Si deus me relinquit,
Ego deum relinquo.
Ego deum relinquo.
Solus oppressus nigram clavem habere potest,
Omnias ianuas praecludo
Sic omnias precationes obsigno.
Omnias ianuas praecludo
Sic omnias precationes obsigno.
qui me defendet?
Ab me terribilissimo ipse.
qui me defendet?
Ab me terribilissimo ipse.
Kuroshitsuji II Insert Song – Kagayaku Sora no Shijima ni wa
In the Silence of the Shining Sky
Vocals: Kalafina
Lyrics: Kajiura Yuki
Composition: Kajiura Yuki
Arrangement: Kajiura Yuki
Vocals: Kalafina
Lyrics: Kajiura Yuki
Composition: Kajiura Yuki
Arrangement: Kajiura Yuki
Praise your cold tears
When time is up
You’ll search for the light
And open up the darkness, right?
When time is up
You’ll search for the light
And open up the darkness, right?
The scarlet singing voice
Will dye your chest
Like a melody that you eternally yearn for
Yet it’s quick to scatter
Will dye your chest
Like a melody that you eternally yearn for
Yet it’s quick to scatter
In the silence of the shining sky
There exists my garden
Someday, you’ll make your way
To the far side of the shore
There exists my garden
Someday, you’ll make your way
To the far side of the shore
The darkness of the night protecting the moon
Whispers a lullaby
Until the eyes of a child who doesn’t cry
Are moistened by a dream
Whispers a lullaby
Until the eyes of a child who doesn’t cry
Are moistened by a dream
Because I can’t ever meet you again
As if the night gouges my chest
Lovingly and madly
Because I can’t ever meet you again
As if the night gouges my chest
Lovingly and madly
In the silence of the shining sky
There exists your home
Across the darkness where the moon sets
You’ll return to your origin
On a narrow path
There exists your home
Across the darkness where the moon sets
You’ll return to your origin
On a narrow path
Kagayaku Sora no Shijima ni wa
Vocals: Kalafina
Tsumetai namida o tataete
Toki ga michiru koro
Anata wa hikari o sagashite
Yami o hiraku darou
Toki ga michiru koro
Anata wa hikari o sagashite
Yami o hiraku darou
Akane no utagoe
Sono mune o somete yuku
Eien ni kogarete
Chiriisogu shirabe no you ni
Sono mune o somete yuku
Eien ni kogarete
Chiriisogu shirabe no you ni
Kagayaku sora no shijima ni wa
Watashi no niwa ga aru
Itsuka anata ga tadoritsuku
Migiwa no kanata ni
Watashi no niwa ga aru
Itsuka anata ga tadoritsuku
Migiwa no kanata ni
Tsuki o mamoru yoru no yami ga
Sasayaku komoriuta
Nakanai kodomo no hitomi ga
Yume ni nureru made
Sasayaku komoriuta
Nakanai kodomo no hitomi ga
Yume ni nureru made
Nido to wa aenai anata da kara
Itoshiku kuruwashiku
Yoru wa mune o eguru you ni
Nido to wa aenai anata da kara
Itoshiku kuruwashiku
Yoru wa mune o eguru you ni
Kagayaku sora no shijima ni wa
Anata no ie ga aru
Tsuki no ochiru yami no mukou
Minamoto e kaeru
Hosoi michi
Anata no ie ga aru
Tsuki no ochiru yami no mukou
Minamoto e kaeru
Hosoi michi
New Kalafina song in Kuroshitsuji II
According to canta-per-me.net, Sony has confirmed that Kalafina will be performing an insert song 「輝く空の静寂には (Kagayaku sora no Shijima ni wa)」 for the upcoming summer series Kuroshitsuji II.
You can definitely bet your cookies on the fact that I’m really looking forward to this series now. 「Lacrimosa」 from season 1 was awesome, and hopefully Kalafina will have more than just one insert song in this upcoming production.
Thursday, December 16, 2010
Ureshii desu!
I'm so happy.. last nite i found kuroshitsuji season 2!! haha so happy that i cried out loud.. huhu

Aku suke ngat tema die dark and emo.. pastu berlatar belakangkan zaman eropah..
zaman pertengahan i suppose..

Sebelah kanan tue hero dlm cite season 1, ciel/sebastian and
sebelah kiri maybe die pnye hero utk season 2, alois/claude..
Aku tak abes tgk agy r, bru tgk ep1 msok ep2
Aku tak ske ngat dak rmbut blonde nie, Alois, dr ep1 agy da tunjuk belang die.. ade ke die korek mate hana! die pnye maid pmpuan kat umah, nek tkowt pmpuan tue kat die
This is my hero! Sebastian yg pegang artilery tue hihi
Aku lupe nak knl kan cite nie, tajok die Kuroshitsuji (Black butler) both of bdk kecik dpt nasib yg sme. Which is sangat malang.. lost both of their parent and also lepas tue dorg wat perjanjian with demon. The black butler is their demon, yg serve dorg smpai matlamat dorg tercapai. In return, guess what they would give utk balas jasa those demon?? Their soul are given in the bargain, Sebastian and Claude bertanggungjawab sbg demon butler utk pastikan keselamatan dorg pnye master which is Ciel and Alois.
Tue je la hint, so sape2 yg nak tgk better catchup ngan season 1 dlu, kompem korg akan addicted haha itu pon kalo korg minat anime la..
Nie aku dpt dr blog org len..
Kuroshitsuji Disc 1
By: Iwasaki Taku and Others
1. Nigram Clavem
2. Prologue
3. 坊ちゃんに紅茶とスコーンを
4. Die Hasen!
5. La gardenia
6. 執事たるもの
7. 裏社会の秩序
8. The butler
9. Coffin man
10. The Dark Crow Smiles
11. Ciel
12. Faint smile
13. Jazzin’
14. di’a'vertiment
15. Home Again
16. 英国の闇
17. 二度と戻らない大切な
18. 王手を
19. Wie schon!
20. マダム・レッドの思い出に~1レディ・レッド
21. リコリスの色
22. a diabolic waltz
23. Intermission: Sebastian Michaelis Version
By: Iwasaki Taku and Others
1. Nigram Clavem
2. Prologue
3. 坊ちゃんに紅茶とスコーンを
4. Die Hasen!
5. La gardenia
6. 執事たるもの
7. 裏社会の秩序
8. The butler
9. Coffin man
10. The Dark Crow Smiles
11. Ciel
12. Faint smile
13. Jazzin’
14. di’a'vertiment
15. Home Again
16. 英国の闇
17. 二度と戻らない大切な
18. 王手を
19. Wie schon!
20. マダム・レッドの思い出に~1レディ・レッド
21. リコリスの色
22. a diabolic waltz
23. Intermission: Sebastian Michaelis Version
Kuroshitsuji Disc 2
1. Intermission: Ciel Phantomhive Version
2. Si deus me relinquit
3. 人形の館
4. リジー
5. The Stranger from India
6. ジョー・アーギャー
7. “神”に仕えし者
8. rudra
9. The right hand of God
10. small wild flower
11. Ich bin der Welt abhanden gekommen
12. Never More
13. 誇り高き女王の狗
14. The Dark Crow Smiles [remix]
15. Call thy name,”Stella Mystica”
16. A Gleam in the distance
1. Intermission: Ciel Phantomhive Version
2. Si deus me relinquit
3. 人形の館
4. リジー
5. The Stranger from India
6. ジョー・アーギャー
7. “神”に仕えし者
8. rudra
9. The right hand of God
10. small wild flower
11. Ich bin der Welt abhanden gekommen
12. Never More
13. 誇り高き女王の狗
14. The Dark Crow Smiles [remix]
15. Call thy name,”Stella Mystica”
16. A Gleam in the distance
Kuroshitsuji Disc 3
By: SID, BECCA, Kalafina and Daisuke Ono (Sebastian Michaelis)
1. Monochrome no Kiss
2. I’m ALIVE!
3. Lacrimosa
4. Anata no Koe ga Iroaseyou tomo, Meiyaku no Uta ga sono Mune ni Todokimasu you ni
5. Tsuki no Ame
By: SID, BECCA, Kalafina and Daisuke Ono (Sebastian Michaelis)
1. Monochrome no Kiss
2. I’m ALIVE!
3. Lacrimosa
4. Anata no Koe ga Iroaseyou tomo, Meiyaku no Uta ga sono Mune ni Todokimasu you ni
5. Tsuki no Ame
Nice day,
Kyky Violet
Wednesday, December 15, 2010
Let Me in...
Halo... tadi aku baru je abes tgk cite Let me in.. Comment and also warning! Spoiler.. Don't read this if you want to watch it.

Aku juz nak komen kpd skumpulan manusia yg dah tgk cite nie, dorg ckp ade ckit2 mirip ngan twilight.. as you all can see. The girl with blood, yup kli nie the vamp nye pompuan. But tue bkn alasan nak kite ckp cite nie sme ngan twilight, haha emo plak. Don't get me wrong, aku juz nak ckp dorg tak tgk ke cite tue? juz ckp sedap mulut je.
Bawah nie plak scene where that girl ad kill someone who threatening both of them..
n mangse yg terbunuh is a nice cop, die juz menyiasat npe ramai yg terbunuh disekitar neighborhood tue je.. This is him..
Yang aku nak komen agy sal jalan cite.. Mmg tak bek kalo bdk2 yg still mentah kalo tgk, sbb ade unsur2 yg tak bek yg ley pengaruh budak tue, contoh nye pembulian melampau, n tindakan bdk yg dibuli slps dihasut kawan utk balas blk perbuatan jahat tue. And also, wat happen if someone terlalo loyal pd vamp tue, perkare yg sme akan berulang-ulang tanpe henti. I mean, to protect n feed her.. ape yg akan korg wat tnpe tertangkap oleh pihak berkuasa or kalo ade public yg straight report polis if they realise something different??
Penin kan?? haha juz my opinion.. Anyway, aku ase cite nie not bad, bley r kalo nak tgk gne student card (ape2 je jnji murah) ok adios guys!
Hav a nice day,
Kyky Violet
On going... wit Manga + Anime
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Manga nie yang tengah aku bace skunk (katekyo hitman reborn) current reading Chapter 164 page 2 Of cos utk hilangkan kebosanan aku tengok gak anime, which is Rosario + Vampire!, sangat bahaye untuk manusie yang tak berpikiran terbuke. Aku stress kan nie sebab takot ade yang hilang soul lepas tengok anime tue. Disebabkan cite nie ade banyak unsur Echi n Harem. Aku tengah serius nie (ayat bonda yg tersayang). Forget about that, most of my tym now goin to waste until i got somethin to do. ok tak sabarnye nak g batu pahat t, ley g tgk wayang.. lipis ape la ade haha (sori ini bkn sifat kedaerahan) Mesti ade yang tertanye-tanye, adakah aku nie tak matang agy? ermm.. maybe, sbb zaman dlu mne ade mende2 nie. Skunk nie la nak berfoye-foye ngan anime n manga. Tue je jawapan yang mampu aku kasi. Jangkaan reaksi korang : ???!!! haha ^_^ Enjoy your day, Kyky Violet |
Monday, December 13, 2010
Saturday, December 11, 2010
As soon as aku dpt mcj mekna trus je aku gtaw mak ade transport ke Raub. So immediately mak aku ckp ade, then jd r aku nak g raub cmnie. Happy giler r dapat jmpe mekna, ayu n maiza (meton) sbb da lme sgt tak jmpe dorg.
It was a sprinkle day, n suddenly its raining.. thank god aku bwk payung ^_^
tp kalo ade ramai kan agy bgus hehe
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