Aku melawan kekelatan mate yg mcm nak mintak penampor. Yela, aku da bgon lmbt pg td then nak ngantok2 plak die haha emo!
Well aku yg da lme tak write nie, mmg takde idea and mood. agy2 skunk tetibe dikick keluar dr life someone. hurmm agy la sedey kan.. sume sbb aku. ade sumthn keje nak wat. byk sgt alasan aku kasi. then all came out like a lies.. watever la.. i dun want he to know anythn.. i hope die tak benci aku. Sori.. all wat i have done cost me maybe, my scond love..
Biler kat umah nie terubat sikit.. even my heart bleed again. i think i could survive. Allah help me!
Skrg kalo ade jodoh agy maybe aku jmpe die blk. I can't give up. I can do it. Juz act normal will do. hhehehe he hem hurmmm.. huh(sigh)
da takde mood, nite ppl

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