Jinak2 merpAti, Bila didekati pasti terbang pergi.. Nasib si merpAti purple

Monday, November 30, 2015

Counting days

So I hope this would be my post on wedding or something however guys.. That is not the case 😓

Well exactly I am hopping for it soon. And actually this is post on work, I will be working soon, really working as white collar people do probably.

I really hoping that I won't become like previous work experience I had. May god help me in my future.


Tuesday, November 17, 2015

Hobby become an income

This is the one of the most excited day on my life when we decided to start something as a family. Selling ice creams!

Have u seen one of these? Anyone? 

This is ice cream made in tube like plastic. Any flavour can become ice cream. I would love to try sooo many new flavour 😊😊

If interested come and click here to another blog by my sister


Nice! And enjoy