Hi korang sume..
Sebaik saja melangkah masuk semester 3, aku rasa berat je bahu nie. Ape taknye, byk mende nak kene pkir dah. Aku malas nak memberatkan korang ngan masalah aku so aku just bagitaw brief je. Ape2 yang tak paham toksah tanye huhu (kaunter pertanyaan tak dibuke).
For my comeback, i want to thank all for those who read my blog. Not very informative. I just write about me and everything related to me. I know i'm not attractive kind of person. But i always had something to say. Such a chatterbox in my on way.
I want to congrate Blogger who got enlisted with the most famous blog. Even though i don't really know uols but u did a very good jobs in writing blog, well done!
Back to my topic, before i further drift away.. haha
Starting to get bertimbun assignment, tak senang aku tidur skunk. Takowt tak ciap so aku waste kan masa tidur petang aku untuk wat assignment2 tue. Takley relax sangat da. To make things worse aku makin di peningkan dengan berfikir mne aku nak duk biler msok sem 5. Well as most of my friend taw.. da jd senior kitorg kne duk luar. Kenderaan toksah ckp.. lesen pown aku takde. Susah kan. Mane taknye pening pikir masalah gnie. ha.. tue la.. tue la one or two problem yg ckit je dr masalah yg aku ade.
Ok korg, i hope korg jage kesihatan. JAngan selalo sakit cam aku. Asyik selsema je.
Nie pic tym raye ari tue ^_^
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Hampir sume dak klas ku |
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Our dean, baju putih tue |
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Made specially for us by our coursemate nge~ |